1st phase Period:  September 2017-December 2017

Management:   Bulgaria     Italy “Hello, Partners!”

(A1-A9) is aimed to expand partner schools knowledge about one another

A1 students organise painting competitions to create the logo of the project

A2 students do research and learn general information about the partners’ countries, regions,  towns, schools, create posters and multimedia presentations, exchange them at the 1st  LTTA  (C1) upload the materials

A3 students in each school create an Erasmus+ corner presenting the logo of the programme, aims, activities and countries of the project

A4 students in all schools make quizzes and puzzles about partner countries based on places and personalities, learn about their cultures and traditions expanding their horizons, strengthening the feeling of European citizen, building tolerance and understanding to others

A5 parents meetings are carried out in all school to explain the the aims and activities and gain parents’ cooperation and support for school activities and building eco-friendly  behaviour at home

A6 „My planet is my home”  integrated lessons, discussion and presentations are held in each school to make students aware of the environmental problems and simple everyday steps  to contribute solving the problems

A7 „I am a volunteer in my home 1” Workshops on natural resources at classes and school  clubs

A8 Twinspace, Project & School sites, FB page are fed with materials and resourses

A9/A9.1/A9.2  Questionnaires: about developing social skills, students’  healty lifestyle and attitudes towards environmental issues

2nd phase  Period: January 2018 – December 2018

Management:   Greece   Poland “Living in plastic is not fantastic”

(A10-A21) contains activities related to environmental protection

A10 „Be creative – make beauty from rubbish”  realization of works of plastic – exhibition with recycled materials

A11 Campaigns at schools and student’s homes for  selective waste collection containers and bags

A12 Decoration of school spaces, during festive seasons with objects built from the re-use of materials i.e. celebrating classical holidays: Christmas, Easter and Children’s Day in the project spirit

A13 „I am a volunteer in my home 2” Collection of corks, PETs and cans – every student involved contributes to family budget with the money from waste materials

A14 „Used clothes are not finished” a campaign aimed at helping those in need

A15 Solidarity Fair   collection of toys that are not made of plastic and donation to foster homes

A16 Study visits  document about recycling processes in companies of profile

A17 Producing masks / disguises and lamps on the theme of the project carnival

A18 Placing and monitoring new eco points in schools and common areas

A19 Participation in the „Green + School” type school contests  creating „green” spaces at schools – pots with plants, planting plants, trees, flower beds in school yards, students take care of them on regular basis

A20 A practical guide of environmentally friendly behavior to be designed in our science school labs, also with the participation of teachers and specialists

A21 Writing articles for the yearly project magazine

3rd phase Period: January 2019 – August 2019  “How much energy have you got?”

Management:  Romania  Portugal

A22 „Be the manager of your home” monitoring of electricity consumption,  self assessment questionnaires and role plays: practical steps to reduce family budgets

A23 Earth Day- play performance written by students

A24 „I am a volunteer in my home 3” Energy Classes  theoretical approaches given by specialists from recycling companies

A25 „Be the manager of your school”  applying practical solutions to reduce consumption in schools

A26 Water’s Day- exhibition and parade of suits made of recycled materials

A27 ”My region, cleaner due to me”, volunteering activity concerning cleaning the vicinity of a river, lake  etc in the nearby

A28 Forest day: sensitization of the community / owners to the cleaning of the forests – leaflet distribution and making TV reportages

A29 „Stop deforestation” a tree-planting campaign involving the local authorities, police and the community

A31 Creating e-books to incorporate all research that has been done on reduction of energy consumption

A32 Writing articles for the yearly project magazine


TMP Cyprus

LTT Romania

TMP Portugal

2nd LTTA, Greece

LTTA in SP1 Grajewo Poland

3rd LTTA in Poland

3rd TPM in Sardinia
